Iceland ice cave
Öræfajökull is an ice-capped stratovolcano which lies on the southeast coast of Iceland on the southern tip of the Vatnajökull ice cap (Stevenson et al., 2006). Although seismically quiet with small-magnitude eruptions (Pagli et al., 2007), the volcano is positioned within the moderately-active volcanic system joined with Esjufjöll and Snæfell (Larsen et al., 2015). Although eruptions of Öræfajökull have occurred during both glacials and interglacials (Prestvik, 1980), it is the interaction between mafic and silicic magma and ice that results in jökulhlaup events.
What are jökulhlaups?
Large scale glacial outburst floods are known as jökulhlaups. Volcanically-induced jökulhlaups occur when subglacial volcanic activity interacts with the overlying ice sheet, resulting in rapid and often large-scale glacial meltwater drainage events. Literally, it translates as ‘glacier burst’ in Icelandic; the country where these are events are most common (Gudmundsson, 2015). These events are characterised by high-discharge of meltwater with readily available sediment which are deposited upon the lowlands.
The devastating 1362 eruption of Öræfajökull saw
approximately 10km3 of rhyolitic ash emitted from
the volcano concentrated towards east-south-east
(Selbekk and Trønnes, 2007). Details of the 1362
eruption are provided in great detail by
Thararinsson (1958) in the novel The Öræfajökull
eruption of 1362. The eruption was temporally very
short-lived, lasting some 1-2 days, however, it was
one of the most potent eruptions in Icelandic
volcanic history with over 10km^3 of tephra
discharged from the eruption. Its potency is
highlighted by the spatial extent of the eruption as
tephra samples from the eruption have been
identified in ice cores from Greenland (72°35’N,
38°28’W; 3210m) (Palais et al. 1991) as well as
peat-bog cores from Scandinavian regions (Pilcher et
al. 2005). The eruption induced extensive
jökulhlaups where the discharge may have exceeded
1x105 m3/s (Thorarinsson, 1958) at its peak;
entraining and depositing sediment on the sandur.
Lowland areas were inundated with glacial meltwater
and dead ice as farm infrastructure was washed away.
An account of the glacial flood is given from Church
annals and translated in Thorarinsson’s (1958, p.
26) paper, which reads: “At the same time there was
a glacier burst from Knappafellsjökull [now known as
Öræfajökull] into the sea carrying such quantities
of rocks, gravel and mud as to form a sandur plain
where there had previously been thirty fathoms [~55
m] of water.” Due to the sheer ferocity of the
glacial outburst, conduits were not able to adjust
to the flow and basal sliding incurred as basal
friction reduced.
The Mountain
Determining the total sediment load of the
jökulhlaup events is challenging due to the spatial
extent of sediment deposition and the complexities
of attributing sediment to each individual event. It
is also challenging due to the washing away and
overriding of sediments by the later 1727
jökulhlaup. However, sedimentary deposits in the
order of metres have been identified some 4km west
of Falljökull weighing over 500 tonnes (Roberts and
Gudmundsson, 2015). Deposits have also been
classified in the regions of Forarjökull,
Grasjökull, and Miðjökull. Explorers described the
post 1727 jökulhlaup landscape as one ridden with
debris spanning some 3km wide and 13km long (Roberts
and Gudmundsson, 2015). Similarly, to 1362,
deciphering the extent and quantity of the sediment
load is challenging as the region has been reworked
by glacial advance and retreat.
smaller than the 1362 eruption, the explosive
benmoreitic 1727 Öræfajökull eruption emitted less
than 0.2km³ of tephra (Thorarinsson, 1958).
Similarly, to 1362, large masses of dead ice were
carried through the lowlands and destroyed pastures,
while “white and porous pumice” (Reverand E.
Hálfdánarson, n.d.) covered south east Iceland.
Jökulhlaups from this eruption claimed the lives of
three people and destroyed entire villages, as
stated in Thorarinsson’s (1958) account.
The sediment-ridden jökulhlaup outbursts become
deposited on the lowland regions. The subsequent
growth of lichens upon these deposits provides
opportunities for lichenometric dating. In other
words, the age of the deposits can be determined
using the size of lichens. If the time between
the point of exposure of the deposit and when
lichens begin colonising is known, along with
their species-specific growth characteristics,
it is possible to determine the age of the
deposits (Innes, 1985). For example, for the
Öræfajökull eruptions of 1362 and 1727,
populations of ‘Rhizocarpon geographicum’, which
have since colonised the deposits, illuminate
the age of the deposits and the spatial extent
of sediment transport. Interestingly, however,
lichen analyses of the Öræfajökull jökulhlaups
show the 1362 deposits have been overridden by
the 1727 deposits. Without analysis of R.
geographicum, it may become challenging to
decipher the sedimentary deposits of the events
which contrasted in magnitude.
A glacier in Canada
Although glaciology is largely concerned with the study of ice, the interaction between volcanoes and ice induces jökulhlaup events that shape entire landscapes. It is also widely speculated that deglaciation through climate change may increase the occurrence of jökulhlaup events (Carrivick, 2011). This is due to more frequent volcanic eruptions through the gradual release of stress upon volcanoes as the ice melts (Carrivick, 2011). Such events have implications beyond the field of study because they affect the way in which humans interact with the environment; whether that be land-management practices or emergency responses to outburst events.
My name is Thomas and I have just finished my final year at the University of Liverpool, England. Although my degree was in Geography, elective modules allowed me to follow my glaciological interests and pursue the field in great detail; plus I was able to visit some extraordinary places! My passion for glaciology began after standing face-to-face with a calving margin and realising the sheer power of glaciers and their ability to calve, mould and shape landscapes of the past, present and future. I hope you enjoyed reading my first blog entry!
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