The Early-career Glaciologists Group

The EGG of the International Glaciological Society (IGS)

Our young network help early-career students and researchers in their career debut and promote their incredible scientific work as well as all their creative and amazing activities inside and outside the snow and ice community. 

News and social activities

Email List

If you’re interested in staying apprised of the latest EGG news, do not hesitate to subscribe to our mailing list by sending an email to with your name and affiliation and the subject "mailing list"!

Our social networks

The International Glaciology Society (IGS) was funded in 1936 to provide a focus for individuals interested in practical and scientific aspects of snow and ice. The objects of the society are stimulate interest in and encourage research into the scientific and technical problems of snow and ice in all countries, facilitate and increase the flow of glaciological ideas and information.

The IGSEGG is our IGS's young network that helps early-career students and researchers in their career debut and promote their incredible scientific work as well as all their creative and amazing activities inside and outside the snow and ice community.

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