The EGG is open to any ECS (Early-Career Scientist) in glaciology or related snow and ice sciences. Our aims are to enhance the cryosphere ECS community (socially and professionally), particularly within the IGS, and to provide additional support to ECS in cryosphere-related fields.
We’re planning social events, workshops, and panel discussions at upcoming meetings (IGS and others). Through holding these events, we are hoping to build a better community for us ECS, where we can exchange ideas and discuss problems, foster career development, and get to know each other
Publicand benefit from this network. We also hope that through encouraging the IGS to provide more support for ECS, this support will help ECS with become more involved with and benefit more from the IGS.
Send us an email at
Adrien is a PhD student at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. His current research is focused on better understanding the dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers as well as the evolution of the surface conditions across the ice sheet. To this end, he combines in situ measurements with spaceborne observations as well as model simulations and try to go on fieldwork whenever he gets the opportunity!
Rebecca is a PhD candidate at Swansea University and aims to better understand glacier dynamics using geophysical methods.
Johannes is doing a PhD at ETH Zurich in the group of Daniel Farinotti. He works on finding a good strategy to get near-real time estimates of glacier mass balance in the Swiss Alps. To achieve this, he makes use of an approach that combines modeling with data assimilation of field data as well as remotely sensed observations.
Lauren is a postdoctoral researcher at Victoria University of Wellington's Antarctic Research Centre. Lauren studies how and why glaciers, particularly those in New Zealand, are changing. Lauren is also interested in increasing access to science and glaciology, including as co-founder of Girls on Ice New Zealand, and in science communication.
Lauren is a PhD student based at the University of York examining the evolution of supraglacial channels on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Her work involves the use of both remote sensing and UAV photogrammetric techniques.
Nathaniel is a PhD Student at the University of Southampton, UK. He is currently investigating the changing dynamics of Fjallsjökull, a lake-terminating glacier in southeast Iceland, using high-resolution UAV imagery.
Doug is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Montana, where he works on problems in uncertainty quantification in glacier models, subglacial hydrologic modelling, and computer vision applications in the Cryosphere.
PiM is a Researcher at the Norwegian Polar Institute and Assistant Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). After a PhD in subglacial processes, he studied glacier calving as a Postdoc fellow at the University of Oslo.
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